Governing Board Remit
The three core strategic functions of Bishop Thomas Grant School's Governing Board are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the School and its pupils
- Overseeing the financial performance of the School and making sure that its money is well spent.
Governors are also responsible for ensuring that the School meets statutory requirements with regard to Safeguarding, Health and Safety, the Curriculum and Finance.
The Governing Board is comprised of Foundation Governors (appointed by the Catholic Diocese of Southwark), elected Parent Governors, an elected Staff Governor, a Local Authority Governor and the Headteacher. The Governing Board has also appointed one Associate Member to the Governing Board.
The Full Governing Board meets three times a year. Governing Board Committees also meet termly.
Bishop Thomas Grant School Governing Board has established the following Committees:
- Ethos Committee
- Curriculum and Achievement Committee
- Resources Committee
- Admissions Committee
Governors carry out visits to the School to meet with staff and students, work with the Senior Leadership Team and Departmental Heads and undertake activities to support their evaluation of the School's work.
The Ethos Committee has oversight of the Catholic Ethos of the School and its Mission Statement. It also monitors and evaluates relevant Equality Objectives and assigned sections of the SEF and linked key issues in the SDP.
The Curriculum and Achievement Committee oversees pupil achievement, ensuring the school provides a high quality learning experience and delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the School's aims, all pupil needs and legal requirements. The committee monitors and evaluates relevant Equality Objectives and assigned sections of the SEF and linked issues in the SDP.
The Resources Committee has oversight of finance, staffing and premises.
The Admissions Committee on behalf of the Governing Board oversees the Admissions Policy and procedures.