DfE Perfomance Tables
For DfE Performance Tables please click here
Key Stage 4 Results 2022 to 2023 academic year
Progress 8 Score | 0.77 |
Attainment in English and Maths - percentage of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and Maths | 67% |
Attainment 8 score | 57.7 |
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score (APS) | 5.27 |
The percentage of pupils that enter EBacc | 57% |
The percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 (pupil destinations) | 96% |
Key Stage 5 (16 to 18) information 2021 (2022/23 KS5 release date 16/11/23)
Attainment |
2021/22 A Level average result: B+ Applied general Average result: Distinction- |
Retention | 2021/22 % of students completing their main study programme 98.9% |
Destinations |
2021 Leavers Students progressing to education or employment 93% |
Year 13 Examination Results 2023 - Pulling out all the stops!
Students at Bishop Thomas Grant School have improved hugely on their 2019 pre-pandemic levels of achievement at A level with 33% of all grades being A and A* in the June 2023 examinations, whereas in 2019 this was 24%. The national average this year is 26.5%. These are the headline figures:
A*-A 33%
A*-B 62%
A*-C 89%
Fears of large numbers of lost university places fortunately did not materialise. Amongst the students achieving the top grades were Miranda and John, who secured Oxbridge places for Geography and Biology respectively, and Tommaso, Joshua and Bryan who scored a massive 12 A and A* grades between them (actually 18 when their top grades in AS and EPQ are added) - a remarkable achievement. Interestingly Tommaso turned down his Oxford place in preference for the Economics course at University College London. Top A/A* achieving students also included Nicole, Benjamin, Joseph and George, who will go to Warwick and Manchester universities. Students applying for Medicine degrees also needed top grades, with Joshua, Ava, Adam and Shantel all securing places. As well as achieving their Medicine places at British universities (UCL, Sheffield) our students looked abroad, with Adam opting for Medicine at Warsaw University and Shantel at Tbilisi in Georgia. Both courses are in English, although Adam already speaks Polish and Shantel is gearing up to learn some Georgian!
One marked trend this year was the number of students opting to stay in London for their degree courses, with London University proving particularly popular (four students won places at Queen Mary College, three at King’s College, two at University College (UCL) and one each at Imperial and Goldsmith’s, with others opting for places at Greenwich, City, St Mary’s Twickenham, Westminster and London Metropolitan.
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Renee (photograph above) is attending the prestigious London Media Academy (LMA) to study Acting and Performance and, once she finishes the painting commission that has kept her busy all summer, Lily is off to the University of the Arts London to study Painting.
BTEC courses were harder this year with the traditional coursework element now subject to at least one third external assessment, but this didn’t stop top student Paige from winning a place at St Mary’s University to study for a degree in PE with her triple Distinction* grades, and BTEC student Joanita is using her top grades to go to Birmingham City for a course in Marketing. BTEC student Sofia has chosen to opt for the glamorous world of air travel – good luck with upcoming interview, Sofia!
Headteacher Ms Bernadette Boyle was very enthusiastic about the results: “More than anything I’m happy for the students”, she commented. “All the media talk and messages from the exam boards and universities was about lowering the grades and therefore increasing the demand for top university places, but instead our students have improved their grades on pre-Covid levels. Thank you to all the staff who have worked tirelessly to bridge the gaps after the lockdowns, and of course to parents for all their help and support”.