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Bishop Thomas Grant School

School Meals

Our school meals will be provided by Pabulum Catering Company.

Every student can purchase refreshments at Breakfast Club, morning break and lunchtime.

All food offered follows Government statutory guidelines for healthy eating .

Every student has confidential individual biometric registration held electronically on the system.

This data holds information about every child’s cash flow and items purchased, which can be viewed by clicking on the ‘Account Statement’ option detailing how much your child has spent on a particular day/week. Clicking on the ‘Meal Choices’ option will show details of the items purchased. Both these options can be found under the ‘Quick Links’ heading to the right of the screen.

Free school meals have the following option: Meal Deal – Main & Sweet or Main & Drink. If a child on free school meals wishes to purchase other food over and above this then they must pay into the system either online or by ParentPay.

Payment can be made by one of two options:

1) ‘ParentPay’ – This can be accessed online at www.parentpay.com. Every child has a unique code/password for access to the payment system. All parents/carers received a letter at the beginning of term by post with this confidential information and how to follow the payment procedures.


2) ‘Paypoint’ card – This is a system that uses a card holding a child’s registration data. This is used at ‘Paypoint’ stores along with cash to pay for school meals. This card must be ordered by contacting the School’s Business Manager. Please be aware that there is a delay between your payment and entry to Innovate. Please allow 24 hours for this to operate effectively

Either of these systems should be used regularly to ‘top up’ each child’s fund for school refreshments.

Please note the school’s catering company will not accept cash or cheques in future to pay for food.

Below is more information about the offers/menus available: 

New Menu to follow






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