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Bishop Thomas Grant School

Sixth Form Admissions - September 2025

Sixth Form Admissions For September 2025 Entry

Applications for the Sixth Form, for September 2025, closed on Friday 29 November 2024.

Any application submitted after the 29 November 2024, will be considered a Late Application, and will not be considered until September 2025, and then only subject to places being available.

Should you wish to make a Late Application, for Year 12 in September 2025, please complete and submit the Late Application Form in the link below:

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Texeira (Sixth Form Admissions Manager) on Sixthformadmissions@btg-secondary.lambeth.sch.uk


Application Timeline

Application Meeting

Applications will be considered for a place if they meet the Admissions Criteria as set out in the Sixth Form Admissions Policy and their Sixth Form Application is submitted by the 29 November 2024.

Suitable applicants will be notified in writing of their Application Meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team in February 2024. This meeting will allow prospective applicants and their Parents/Guardians to explore the academic and vocational opportunities available and agree with the school a course of study based on knowledge, skills, and experience. The applicant does not need to make a final decision about the course they would like to study, until enrolment. A Parent/Guardian MUST accompany all applicants to this meeting. Should this not be the case, the meeting cannot take place.


Conditional Offer of a place

A formal offer of a place will be made in April 2025. At this stage, all offers are CONDITIONAL on applicants meeting both the admissions criteria for the Sixth Form and the examination grades required for the subjects they wish to take in the Sixth Form.

Applicants who wish to accept an offer of a place at Bishop Thomas Grant Sixth Form, for September 2025, must do so in writing.

Sixth Form Taster Day

Applicants offered a place will be invited to a Taster Day in June 2025. On this day they will have the opportunity to meet staff, fellow applicants and familiarise themselves with our Sixth Form. They will also have the opportunity to attend taster lessons in A Level/BTEC/CTEC/UAL subjects on offer.

Enrolment to Year 12 in September 2025

Following the publication of the GCSE examination results on 21 August 2025, Applicants will be formally enrolled, subject to them meeting both the entry requirements for the Sixth Form and the grade requirement for the subjects they have chosen to study in the Sixth Form. Please note that:

  • All enrolment is in-person on Thursday 21st August 2025Please ensure therefore that if your child has accepted a conditional offer that they are available, on that day, to come in and formally enrol in person.
  • It is only once your child has enrolled in person that the application process is formally completed.





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